The Apostolic Woman

For centuries, church ministry has been the domain of men almost exclusively. Is this what God had in mind when he created men and women? Is it really true that women are more easily deceived than men, or that they should not be allowed to instruct men? How much of tradition concerning the roles of men and women is biblical and how much is cultural? Are there ministry roles that are reserved for men only? If you’ve ever wondered about these things, “The Apostolic Woman” will help shed some light on these subjects and more:

  • Can women be apostles?
  • What is ministry actually all about?
  • What about those scripture passages in the Bible that seem to forbid certain kinds of ministry to women?
  • What about those women in the Bible that held positions of influence and leadership?
  • Could it be that what women bring to the table is intended to balance and complete what men bring?

“The Apostolic Woman” takes a look at what have often been controversial viewpoints concerning women in ministry and will hopefully bring you light and revelation in some of these areas.


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